Rancho Las Voces: Fotoperiodismo / Lionel Healing: «Scar»
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

martes, marzo 03, 2009

Fotoperiodismo / Lionel Healing: «Scar»


Congo 2/19/2009.- A man with a scar from a machete attack sits outside a destroyed house on February 19, 2009 in Napopo, north-east Congo. Ugandan forces are undertaking a joint operation with Congolese troops to track down rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). LRA rebels are accused of killing over 900 people in different attacks over the past two months in this remote corner of Congo. The government in the Democratic Republic of Congo should hand over former rebel Bosco Ntaganda to the International Criminal Court, Congolese rights groups said today. (AFP/GETTY IMAGES)