Rancho Las Voces: Shirin Neshat
El planeta muerto de Marc-Antoine Mathieu / 25

miércoles, marzo 16, 2005

Shirin Neshat

Women of Allah Posted by Hello

Shirin Neshat (1957) is Iranese by birth, but fled to the United States after the revolution. Central in her work is the Iranian woman. She combines text with images because of the relation between their content. In her work, text functions to expose the negative stereotypical images and the victimization of Iranian women. Many texts are fragments of poetry by a famous Iranian poet, who writes about the experiences of women in the Iranian culture. Other texts which Neshat uses in her work are of a religious nature and are about the longing of Iranian women to join the revolution. The decisive character of the women portrayed is thus strengthened by the texts. Consequently, an image of Iranian women is created, that we would not quickly encounter in the media.