Diego Cifuentes (Ecuador, b. 1964) is the son of the most important Ecuadoran photographer, Hugo Cifuentes (also in this show). Diego appears to be following in the footsteps of his father, as the photography prizes he has received and the 1999 nomination as Latin American Leader for the New Millennium by Time Magazine testify. Nothing would give him greater pleasure than to be able to follow his father in photographing the world around him with an equally tender and friendly gaze. But he is more critical in character and his life is more painful and less rosy. This can be seen in his work: Diego Cifuentes's photographs are harder, more intense and more implicit. In this manner he reflects the world even as he experiences and sees it. In the recent 'Las Delicias del Inferno' (Delights of Hell) that is a world full of lust and extreme isolation.
Diego Cifuentes has devoted himself to photography since 1990, after finishing his studies in sociology and political science. At present he also administers his father's artistic estate.