Rancho Las Voces: Radio / Billie Holiday: «What a Moonlight can do»
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

jueves, marzo 29, 2007

Radio / Billie Holiday: «What a Moonlight can do»


En RADIO Rancho Las Voces... Billie Holiday... interpreta... what a moonlight can do... en RADIO Rancho Las Voces... Your hearts fluttering all day long...

What a moonlight can do
Harry woods

Ooh, ooh, ooh
What a little moonlight can do
Ooh, ooh, ooh
What a little moonlight can do to you
Youre in love
Your hearts fluttering all day long
You only stutter cause your poor tongue
Just will not utter the words
i love you
Ooh, ooh, ooh
What a little moonlight can do
Wait a while
Till a little moonbeam comes peepin through
Hell get bored
You cant resist him
All youll say
When you have kissed him is
Ooh, ooh, ooh

What a little moonlight can do
Ooh, ooh, ooh