Rancho Las Voces: Fotoperiodismo / Natacha Pisarenko: «Flag around the neck»
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

martes, mayo 27, 2008

Fotoperiodismo / Natacha Pisarenko: «Flag around the neck»


Buenos Aires 05/27/2008.- A man hangs an Argentine flag around the neck of a statue of Cuba's Argentine born revolutionary hero Ernesto «Che» Guevara as the statue is carried in a truck to the harbor in Buenos Aires, Tuesday, May 27, 2008. The bronze statue was made by Argentine artist Andres Zerneri out of 75,000 keys that were donated by Argentines. The statue will be placed in Rosario, the city were Guevara was born on June 14, 1928.