Rancho Las Voces: Galería / Joseph Rodríguez
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

jueves, junio 14, 2007

Galería / Joseph Rodríguez


Verónica «Poochie» Pedraza, El Sereno, California, 1995.

Joseph Rodriguez was born in New York on June 6, 1951. He studied photography in the School of Visual Arts and in the Photojournalism and Documentary Photography Program at the International Center of Photography in New York City.

He is currently affiliated with the Black Star photographic agency, Mira Bildarkiv in Stockholm and the Pacific News Service. Joseph’s work has appeared in major publications here and abroad; these include The New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, Mother Jones, The Village Voice, Vibe, Frihet and Dagens Nyheter in Sweden; Stern and Der Spiegel in Germany and Geo in France.

He has won many awards and grants notably from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Open Society Institute Center on Crime Media Fellowship, the Mother Jones International Fund for Documentary Photography, the Alicia Patterson Fellowship, the Fund for Investigative Journalism, Konstnarsnamnden Stipendium, Swedish Arts Council and the New York State Foundation for the Arts.

He has received Pictures of the Year awards by the National Press Photographers Association and the University of Missouri in 1990, 1992 and 1996.

A grant from the Alicia Patterson Fellowship has subsidized his three-year project exploring the Los Angeles gangs. At great risk, he was able to gain confidence from gang members; the result was a closer look into the life of an inner-city subculture.