Rancho Las Voces: Galería / Laura Holder
FIL de Guadalajara, un amable monstruo / 21

jueves, junio 28, 2007

Galería / Laura Holder



Laura Holder is a photographer, writer, interaction designer and artist living in Brooklyn. She was born in Illinois in 1969, received her Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from Iowa State University in 1991. She has continued to pursue painting, furniture making, and photography in California, Illinois, Colorado, and, since 1997, NYC.


As spatial compositions present themselves, I don't create or manipulate as much as just try to see them. Using a camera allows me to capture and present the picture-within-the-picture. I'm seeking spacial depth formed not as much by value and perspective as by color. A square format helps me to remove the image from the context of landscape or portrait, and to formalize the picture itself as an object of this world to be looked at, not merely a window to look through. Taking photos allows me to say to the viewer «here is something; it is composed, and also natura».