Rancho Las Voces: Galería / Michael Kitei
FIL de Guadalajara, un amable monstruo / 21

jueves, junio 07, 2007

Galería / Michael Kitei


Chinatown, New York - 1978
Carbon Pigment Ink Print

Michael is a former advertising creative director and commercial director and he's been a serious photographer all of his adult life. While he's mostly self taught, he has attended workshops and seminars in New York, LA, Palm Beach, and Miami. And, he's learned a great deal from other photographers.

He exhibits in gallery and museum shows and his work can be found in private collections around the U.S. and abroad.

He's a founding member and chairman of the Bonnet House (Ft. Lauderdale) Fine Artists, a member of the Broward County Artists Guild, and the Boca Raton Museum Artists Guild.

- Texas Photographic Society Annual Show - Juror: Sue Brisk
Magnum Photos
- Palm Beach Environmental Services: One Man Show/ Corporate Gallery
- Nature In Florida, Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Juried Show.
- Hort 42, Broward ArtServe/Carone Galleries, Juried Show
- Broward Art Guild/Cypress Creek Museum, Juried Show
- Palm Beach Water Authority, Boynton Beach, One Man Show
- Seldom Seen Gallery - Wildlife Miniatures, Los Olas, Ft. Lauderdale
- Boca Art Museum Guild / The Courtyard, Boca Raton, Juried Show
- Eye On The Everglades, South Florida Fair, Juried Show
- InFocus / Palm Beach Photographic Center, Juried Show
- Creations Live Gallery, Delray Fla.
- Gallery 721/Ft. Lauderdale Fla. / Ground Zero Tribute
-Broward Art Guild - "Black & White", Juried Show
-"Impressions of Bonnet House," Juried Invitational
- Parker Playhouse Gallery - Black & White Show
- Group Show - Bonnet House Welcome Center
- "Impressions of South Florida"- Juried Show
- Group Show - Ft. Lauderdale, City Hall

Artist's Statement

I believe the picture should suggest a story or pose a question. I try to communicate that. To infer mystery or desperation, tranquility or joy. I don't look at photography as a means to capture a moment. To me, it's the first step in creating the picture.

I believe that the picture, if it's to be successful, is a combination of understanding the medium, learning to see, working the possibilities before and after the moment, and being lucky.