Rancho Las Voces: Astronomía / Las estrellas «Trapezium» de la constelación Orión
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

viernes, noviembre 10, 2006

Astronomía / Las estrellas «Trapezium» de la constelación Orión

T his image of the Orion nebula, taken by NASA's Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes and released November 7, 2006, shows an infrared and visible-light composite that indicates that a 'gang' of four monstrously massive stars at the center of the cloud may be the main culprits of mayhem in the familiar Orion constellation. The stars are collectively called the 'Trapezium' and can be communally identified as the yellow smudge near the center of the image. Swirls of green in Hubble's ultraviolet and visible-light view reveal hydrogen and sulfur gas that have been heated and ionized by intense ultraviolet radiation from the Trapezium's stars. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY REUTERS/ NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Megeath (University of Toledo) & M. Robberto (STScI)/Handout