Rancho Las Voces: Fotoperiodismo / Bob Self: «Me embellished»
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

viernes, noviembre 02, 2012

Fotoperiodismo / Bob Self: «Me embellished»


Florida, Oct. 3, 2012.- Graphic designer Kedgar Volta makes an adjustment to one of the 18x18 inch portraits that make up his art instillation before the start of Art Walk in Jacksonville, . Volta unveiled his project «me embellished» on West Monroe Street, just off Laura Street as part of Wednesday evening's Art Walk celebration. The Cuban born Volta starting shooting portraits two months ago setting up a small photo studio at a previous Art Walk and asked subjects to simply «sit there, open their eyes as wide as they could and mess up their hair». Volta photographed 600 subjects and selected 300 to be printed to create a 48 by 18 foot work that «will stay up for Art Walk and after that, it will have a life of it's own».