Rancho Las Voces: Dennis Dailleux
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

jueves, febrero 24, 2005

Dennis Dailleux

Le caire Posted by Hello

The French photographer Denis Dailleux has, as he himself admits, a love affair with Cairo. He is fascinated by its atmosphere, the variety of colours and the beauty of the residents of Egypt's capital city. He discovered the city as a child and since then can be found there regularly. In LE CAIRE he provides an image of daily life in Cairo. In warm, bright colours and deep contrasts in black and white, he reports on his encounters in the streets and cafes, at weddings and in barbershops. His photographic ode to Cairo has been collected in the book Le Caire, with which he won the Fuji Film Prize at the Biarritz photo festival in 2001.

Denis Dailleux (b. France, 1958) specialises in portraits, and in 2000 took the first prize in that category at World Press Photo. He has been a member of the French photo agency VU since 1995