Rancho Las Voces: Tom Paiva
FIL de Guadalajara, un amable monstruo / 21

viernes, febrero 04, 2005

Tom Paiva

Industrial Night

Oakland Rail Yards, 1993

Chromogenic Print
16x20" Image
22x26" Mat
$700 Posted by Hello

Artist Statement
Night photography has been a passion of mine for more than a dozen years. I enjoy the urban industrial landscape and see a certain power in the constructs of man. My personal work frees me to explore a fuller range of moods and the evocative quality of color and form. In my commercial work, I face the sometimes daunting challenge of making utilitarian, commonplace facilities look visually interesting and appealing. At night, their textures and shapes become more interesting, and often take on an appearance of greater importance. With night also comes a look of mystery, of the peculiar loneliness and isolation unique to industrialized societies.