Rancho Las Voces: Holly Roberts
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

viernes, febrero 04, 2005

Holly Roberts

Woman Drinking, 1999

Oil on Silver Print on Panel
15x12" Image
$1500 Posted by Hello
Artist Statement
My work challenges the traditional format of the photograph. I use my own black and white photographs as the ground for heavily overpainted, etched, scraped and smeared images. My work evokes the long and complex interrelationship between paintings and photography wherein each medium has irrevocably influenced the other. In many instances, my original photograph is scarely discernible beneath the layers of oil paint. However, it is this photographic image that allows me to begin the process of trying to understand where it is that I need to go. In attempting to understand complicated issues of my own personal history that have to do with fear, anxiety, loneliness, humor, love and the interconnectedness of living beings, I find myself creating images that are as simple and honest as I can make them.