Rancho Las Voces: Jody Ake
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

lunes, abril 10, 2006

Jody Ake

K neeling Afro-American female nude. Jody Ake creates portraits, nudes, still lifes and landscape images using the collodion printing process, an historic photographic technique which involves using a large format camera and custom cut glass plates. Invented in 1851, the method involves coating a glass plate with collodium and exposing the plate while it is still wet. Ake is one of a handful of contemporary artists who have revived the collodium process, mixing all the chemicals individually for each exposure. He also makes ambrotypes, which are a form of a positive collodion process. He holds a BFA from the College of Santa Fe and a MFA from the University of Oregon. Ake participated in the 1999 Oregon Biennial and he has been featured in "Photography's Antiquarian Avant-Garde: The New Wave in Old Processes" as well as "The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes."

Ambrotype (full plate)
10 x 8 in. (254 x 203 mm)