Rancho Las Voces: Medea Benjamin & Diane Wilson
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

lunes, enero 24, 2005

Medea Benjamin & Diane Wilson

Hey all, here's Diane Wilson and I at the inaugural VIP section with the police trying to pull us out. We held on so tightly that that police didn't know what angle to pull us from! They held us until 3am, then charged us
with a minor misdemeanor of disorderly conduct and allowed us to pay a mere $25 fine and leave!!! Amazing!!!
Unfortunately, they say that Diane has a warrant out from a prior CodePink action at the White House (which isn't true--she was told that if she stayed away from the capital for a year it would be dropped--which she did).
So Diane had to appear in court this morning, where Jodie went with her.
We are tired, but fine.
Thanks for all the support!!!

Medea Posted by Hello

Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 05:53:14 -0800