Rancho Las Voces: Radio / Russian Red: «Cigarettes»
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

miércoles, marzo 30, 2011

Radio / Russian Red: «Cigarettes»

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En RADIO Rancho Las Voces...Russian Red... interpreta...Cigarettes... en RADIO Rancho Las Voces... all the letters that I have never sent...


Tell me what it is, it isn’t fair
but I’m wasting time, cos it isn’t my heart, it isn’t my fault
and every situation understands, well
the anecdote of chasing the locations to your doors
’cos I’m wasting time, I’m wasting money again
and all the cigarettes that I have never smoked
and all the letters that I have never sent
he was sitting by the swimming pool
but he was scared, ’cos it wasn’t his time and it wasn’t his chance
getting older’s not been on my plans
but it’s never late, it’s never late enough for me to stay
’cos I’m wasting time, I’m wasting money again
and all the cigarettes that I have never smoked
and all the letters that I have never sent