Rancho Las Voces: Donna Chesler
Salman Rushdie ante su fallido asesino / 23

jueves, agosto 04, 2005

Donna Chesler

Strawberry Moon
Polaroid Transfer
Image 4" x 5" On Artist Selected Hand Made Paper $250.00
Image 8" x 10" On Artist Selected Hand Made Paper $350.00 Posted by Picasa

Donna Chesler has explored many aspects of photography in the past 25 years.

Her early work includes a black and white photo essay of Images of Firefighters which was on display at the Pennsylvania Historical Museum in 1977. The following year, a color show of Time Exposures at Discos was shown at the William Riis Gallery in Camp Hill, PA. The work was also featured in a multimedia show at Women in the Arts in 1979, also in Harrisburg, PA. An abrupt move to St. Thomas, USVI (precipitated by Three Mile Island) began a 20-year commercial photography business of photographing boats with her husband, Ken Chesler. During the years in St. Thomas, Donna photographed The Fishermen of St. Thomas, a black and white photo essay that is in the permanent collection of the St. Thomas Historical Museum.

Donna’s Polaroid® Transfer work is on display at Dovetail Gallery, Egg Harbor, Wisconsin, Turner Bay Gallery, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and the Nellie Bly II Gallery, Jerome, Arizona. Her work has been selected for the Hortt exhibit at the Museum of Art in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and the Boca Museum Art Museum Biennial Show.

She resides in Sedona, Arizona.