Rancho Las Voces: Galería / Lauren Simonutti
(8) Del día en que Cristina se ganó un Premio Pulitzer

martes, enero 30, 2007

Galería / Lauren Simonutti



Toned Gelatin-Silver Print
7x5" Image
14x11" Mat

Artist Statement
A house, to which one expects to return but does not, becomes a relic.

I stepped out the door one day for what I anticipated would be a moment and did not return for weeks. The impetus for the absence is a fascinating, devastating, poignant and somewhat tragic story, which I will not tell.

Upon my return I looked at my home as though it belonged to a stranger. I live a solitary existence so the things I had left, as I had left them, were all that would have remained to speak for me. I wondered what the individuals elected (or hired) to wipe it all away would have thought.

So I decided to let the rooms have their say.

My house is a work in progress. Tragedy in reverse. It had fallen apart before I bought it.

I am falling it back together.

Process Statement
The pictures were taken with a 5x7 Burke and Watson view camera, shot on Ilford HP5 and Kodak Plus X.

All prints are 5” x 7” gelatin silver contact prints on Azo paper. The prints are toned with sepia, selenium and occasionally silver bleach.

Due to the nature of the process the toning and colours will vary from print to print.