Rancho Las Voces: Artes Plásticas / Expone Juri Morioka en Portland
Harari advierte: la IA nos podría dominar / 16

sábado, junio 03, 2006

Artes Plásticas / Expone Juri Morioka en Portland

Juri Morioka / Leaning Toward The East, 2005/ Painting oil and pencil on canvas / 78" x 64"

C d. Juárez Chihuahua. México. 3 de junio. (ranchonews) La artista neoyorquina, de origen japonés, Juri Morioka tendrá una exposición en la galería Butters de Portland, Oregon, durante el mes de junio

El título de la exposición es «Pure Love» y está compuesta de 15 piezas elaboradas en óleo sobre tela.

Sobre su arte Morioka ha dicho lo siguiente:

«My paintings are a reaction to my surroundings. They welcome the viewer to wander through their spaces and along their paths with a sense of belonging, sharing in the belief that everything has a life of its own. As I paint, I move my brushes along with my mind's rhythm, as unconsciously as I can, almost in the manner of Zen».

Juri Morioka / Perhaps If You Noticed, 2005 / Painting oil and pencil on canvas / 60" x 72"

El boletín de Butters

A continuación reproducimos el boletín de prensa de la galería:

Butters Gallery is excited to present the West Coast premier of works by New York artist Juri Morioka in a solo exhibit entitled "Pure Love." Morioka's fascinating background and approach to painting has resulted in what we believe is truly unique and inspired work.

A brief history

I was born in Tokyo. At the time, my father was already a successful
pianist, composer/arranger and conductor; my mother was a dancer. When I was
three, I was sent to audition for the Musashino Academia Musicae and was
accepted for singing courses. For the next fourteen years, I took private
piano/vocal/music composition classes from various instructors, and spent
hours every day practicing piano. I also took ballet, Japanese classical
dance (performing on stage for a month with a theater group when I was six),
even kimono class, fashion school, etc. But none of them lasted.
In elementary school, I learned the Japanese Constitution, with its
renunciation of war, had been drawn up by Americans. From that point on, I
wanted someday to learn English and travel to the land of peace. After all,
my grandmother's brother died in Hiroshima. I grew up listening to these
terrible stories about the war, and was taught we shall never fight.

I finally fulfilled my wish when I came to the US as a high school exchange student (with the P.E.A.C.E. Program). I spent my senior year with an American family in Findlay, Ohio. After graduating from high school, I returned briefly to Japan to attend college and continue studying English while working nights as an international telephone operator. I then returned to Ohio to attend the University of Toledo, but a year later packed everything into my car and drove to New York City with my cat (Sid). There I earned a BFA in painting at Parsons School of Design. My love for painting really took hold while I was attending Parsons and has lasted ever since. I still live and paint in Manhattan.

On her work

An empty canvas is like the paper walls of my earliest childhood in
Japan: an invitation to explore endless possibilities and challenges. I
always approach the canvas directly, without any preceding sketches or
studies. I move my brushes along with my mind's rhythm almost in the
manner of Zen, relying solely on instinct and intuition. Without
conscious thought, I search for harmony and form in the play of color
and shapes, and gradually a composition emerges. Then, feeling my way
with my brush, I enter the painting, and wander through its spaces and
along its paths with a deep sense of belonging. I welcome the viewer to
accompany me on the same journey, with the same sense of belonging,
sharing in the belief that everything has a life of its own.

Para mayor información sobre esta artista los invitamos a visitar el portal de Butters y el portal de la artista Juri Morioka